IndiGo NIR chemical analysis : A near infrared spectrometer for absorption and reflection measurements
The IndiGo NIR chemical analysis module is a pocket size spectrophotometer. It’s modular, fits in the palm of your hand, and is connected via Bluetooth to a smartphone or tablet or USB-C wired to your laptop.
It allows:
- to measure an absorption on a liquid contained in a cuvette from 720 nm to 1100 nm
- to measure a fluorescence or a reflection under IR excitation on a liquid contained in a cuvette
It is the most compact absorption and reflection NIR spectrometer / spectrophotometer on the market.
These devices can be used in multiple applications ranging from turbidity measures of wine and water, fluorescence analysis or measure of proteins, fats on a liquid such as milk.
On request, these modules can be customised. To do this, please contact us at this address.
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The applications are unlimited. Today our expertise is focused in particular on the following areas

Chemical analysis

Education – Research

Gemology and Jewellery

Lighting and filters identification

Traceability and authentication